Step 1: Select product details
In Hookei Online Shop, choose the products with specific packing detail and add to your cart.
Step 2: Add product to the shopping cart
Click the “Add to cart” button to put the selected products into your shopping chart, initially without any obligation to buy. The shopping detail and price will show on the left top area of the site.
STEP3:Add more to the shopping cart
Add further products to the shopping cart by simply repeating the procedure
STEP4: Order Review
View the products in the shopping cart, you can change them or delete them
STEP5: To place the order - Logging in
If you already have a personal HOOKEI account, we need your email address and password.
New visitor can register by clicking “Continue” button and after registration will have access to your own personal HOOKEI account. Please enter your details into the fields. Fields marked with * are mandatory for your order to be processed.
STEP6: Checkout 1: Delivery Methods
Please select the appropriate shipping method, click “Continue” button or “Modify”to change the delivery method.
2: Delivery Details
Please enter your contact details and delivery address into the fields, click “Continue” button Please enter your details into the fields. Fields marked with * are mandatory for your order to be processed.
3: Order Details
Our order details page now shows you your entire order once more. Please check to make sure your personal data is correct. If changes need to be made, click “Modify” on column correspondingly. Once everything is correct, confirm acceptance of the standard terms and conditions by clicking the “Confirm Order” button and the order directly will send to us.
Order will be ready at HOOKEI office within 2 working days, you can pick up from our office / appoint courier to pick up.
Any questions about the order procedure? Contact us at or +852 2793 0356.